These are the current standings on different topics that our nation faces. Many of these areas need to be analyzed, and addressed, and changes need to be made to better this nation in all of these areas. Travis is dedicated to continuing to educate himself not only on the standings, but what is going on in our government dealing with them, and hearing the concerns, thoughts, and perspectives of the American people on all of these topics.
Will be updated regularly!
The status of Human Rights today is based upon The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was proclaimed in December of 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly. In this declaration several statements are made in declaring the freedoms and right to be treated equally with no discrimination, no matter their race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status.
Human Rights have never truly been followed in which one side, or another is not in some form or another discriminating against individuals, religious, genders, organizations, or some other form of classification in expression of their own opinions, or actions in which they take. Often these standing in rights are taken from a selfish perspective which is perceived to be the most beneficial to an individual, or group.
We have witnessed a shift in the focus of human rights whereas other nationalities are just as racist as what was once focused on being an issue in which for example a white man was discriminatory towards a black man, it is has now become an issue in which every race has some issue with another race and therefore all races discriminate against each other. The truth is this has always been the case it simply stands out more because of the ease of sharing across social media.
Beyond the idea of racism itself human rights are destroyed because of issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, feminism, human trafficking, antisemitism, abuse, politics, abortion and pro-life, gender identification and so many more topics that we see addressed daily.
The fall of society comes from the lack of respect for human rights that has existed since the beginning of time itself. As stated in Article 1, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” Furthermore, Article 2 states, “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of political, jurisdictional, or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.”
Human rights are simple, treat others as how you wish to be treated. If you wish to be respected for who you are, respect others for who they are. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, viewpoints, and standings. If we simply respected each other for who they are, rather than feeling the need to push and hold them to change who they are, we would find a higher level of peace throughout society.
Education does not hold true to its intent today. Education is used to manipulate, shift, and program the mindset of children to conform to the agenda of political parties. Education itself was intended to provide instruction, and formation of manners. Through this a series of instruction and discipline intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of the youth to prepare them for usefulness in the future stations through the provision of teachings in manners, arts, and science, and further studies.
Education is the responsibility of the parents. While there may be schooling options available for children in which do not run off political agenda it is still the responsibility of the parents to be aware of what their children are being exposed to, and to take responsibility in being sure that their children are receiving a proper education that defines skills, and education, not opinions. It is the parents responsibility to take a stand when their children are exposed to that which does not meet these foundational requirements and make appropriate changes as needed to not remove the exposure of corruption from what their children will face, but guide them in handling this corruption, and having the ability to further educate and think for themselves rather than conforming to what they are told is right or wrong.
Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. In fact the word abortion is not even used by it’s proper original definition today which states that abortion is, “The act of miscarrying, or producing young before the natural time, or before the fetus is perfectly formed.” Today’s definition is stated to be “… the removal of pregnancy tissue, products of conception or the fetus and placenta (afterbirth) from the uterus… Other terms for an abortion include elective abortion, induced abortion, termination of pregnancy and therapeutic abortion.”
Any woman who chose to get an abortion because of poor decisions they made for themselves, (i.e., Going out and having unprotected sex, by their own choice, with a guy they met at the bar over the weekend) does not justify getting an abortion. At this point society should all have the basic understanding of how babies are made, and therefore choosing to take this action knowing that the risk of becoming pregnant is valid, does not justify taking the life of an unborn individual because of poor life decisions that they made for themselves.
In the case of something such as a woman getting pregnant due to being raped, while I still do not agree that this justifies murder of an unborn individual, I do acknowledge and respect the fact that this woman did not choose to or perform an action by their own choice, knowing there was a high chance of getting pregnant. I still would not recommend the murder of a child in this case but would be more understanding and respectful of the overall situation.
According to Congressman Doug Lamborn, there is an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants residing in the United States today! I have and always will support the opportunity for individuals of other countries to migrate into the United States, under the condition of doing it through the proper channels. I also will agree that these channels of immigration need to be reviewed, and modified to properly define what is necessary of an individual who migrates and intends to live within the United States long term.
The simple fact is our government has no clear definition or focus when it comes to immigration both in the legal, or illegal sense. Immigration has caused a severe decline in funding and destroyed the quality of living not only for the U.S. people but for those who wish to migrate and invest their lives into our country! This is an issue that needs to be addressed!
Crime continues to be an ongoing issue. According to recent data collected by the University of Pennsylvania School of Arts and Science, violent crime especially has been increasing in the United States. If you look at their data you can see that while crime of violence rate was significantly higher back in the 1990’s compared to the last several years there is an increase of violent crime happening again, the same with homicide statistics.
How our nation handles crime has become a joke. Instead of truly disciplining those who commit crimes we have simplified and made it easy for those who go to prison. It is like a slap to the hand when they get to go to a comfy prison cell, often with access to any form of media they want and are able to take a vacation from society for the already incredibly short sentences that they are given, with the opportunity to leave earlier when they are on “good behavior”.
How our nation handles crime needs to as everything else, be reviewed and adjusted to reestablish a solid foundation of not putting up with these actions, and taking away the idea that the punishment is light, and that they can just do it all again when they get out.
The process’s and procedures concerning the care of those struggling with Mental Health are extremely inefficient and in serious need of restructuring. The Mental Health of our society is what feeds the severe physical health issues, what has led to countless individuals taking advantage of our nations resources that are intended for those who truly need help and not those who are just to lazy to get off of their asses and work!
The nation does not realize that our mental health accelerated in declining when the American Diet was introduced with the USDA Food Pyramid that states that bread, cereal, rice, and pasta groups should be 6-11 servings worth, while thinks like vegetables are only 3-5 servings, and meat or eggs are only 2-3 servings! If our nation took the time to look at and realize that what you put into your stomach affects your mental state because of the gut-brain connection, we would see why issues such as depression, anxiety, suicide, and obesity have risen and continue to rise!
While what we consume is not the only reason for the mental health issues we face today, it is a huge part of the foundation of issues we see! If we started here alone as a nation in re-educating, and showing the FACTS not the DESIRES of what to consume, and re-program our bodies, our mental health would make a major improvement!
Last Update: 11/6/2023