Kunze for Senate


Through all the health concerns that Travis has faced, and conquered, Travis’s faith, and determination to conquer, and change, and lead others in doing so has gotten stronger than ever! Travis strongly believes it is time for a shift in our nation’s leadership. It is time to bring forward the younger generation into leadership with average age of our senators being around 64 years old, it is time for our younger generation to come forward and take the reins, introduce new options and opportunities.

It is time for our government officials to stop making decisions and changes in what they claim to think is the best interest of the nation alone, but to truly listen to their communities, to the people of this nation. It is time to stop just listening to the businesses, and corporations that fund most of the political figure’s campaigns, and desires, but to listen to those small-town folks, the elderly, the youth, the hard workers, those who suffer and struggle with health issues and so much more that may be caused or interlinked with financial struggles, and to the rest of our communities. It is time to stop letting politicians be the ones in control, and for the people of the United States of America to step forward, step up, and take back control of our nation that we once had, and are supposed to still have!

Why Senate?

Travis’s mission is to lead and water the seed that is already planted by organizations like the Patriot Academy, in bringing forth the younger generations to get rid of the older, set in their ways politicians and make the major changes, resetting the foundation of our nation, and to beat the chance of a collapse in society altogether, by finally changing things up.